Valley of Noto


After the earthquake of 1693 the eight cities of southeastern Sicily (Caltagirone, Catania, Militello Val di Catania, Modica, Noto, Palazzolo Acreide, Ragusa and Scicli) were rebuilt on top of the rubble or close by.

They are the result of a successful and collective effort to rebuild on an artistically and architectonically high level. Based on the late Baroque style of the epoch these cities are unique, not least because of the important innovations in the field of spatial and urban planning.

The Noto area


The Valley of Noto stands for nature and culture, countryside and food and wine heritage: With its parks, nature reserves, coast and sea areas, but also the inland with the farming hamlets, the virgin nature, the archeological places, the churches, the castles, the cultural sites, the colours and tastes of the local products of quality, it is a place to rejuvenate mind and body.

Discovering this place is always an adventure!

Tourist District South East

Val di Noto – World heritage site of UNESCO

Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica

Unesco Sicily

Siracusa Tourism




In addition to the local selection there is a variety of events in the area to experience the pleasure, joy, intelligence, irony, faith and character which the contemporary and past Sicily have to offer. Discover them here!

Infiorata di Noto - Baroque Spring


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